On-demand - this webinar was previously broadcasted on - Tuesday April 25, 2023

Do you know the best way to prepare or audit cash flow statements?

The statement of cash flows is an important primary statement that regulators and investors review carefully.

Mistakes in producing and auditing cash-flow statements are often flagged by the FRC.

Getting cash flow statements wrong could lead to reputational risk and damage your client and investor relationships.

Our webinars are free to attend and are highly recommended to stay on top of crucial and hot topics such as this.

  • Determine which assets can be considered cash and cash equivalents;
  • Classify cash flows into operating, investing and financing activities;
  • Understand the criteria and circumstances for reporting cash flows on a net basis;
  • Discover common mistakes identified by the FRC and how to avoid them.

Hosted by:


Marek Muc

Marek works on our Navigate IFRS Accounting content.

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